The Future of Humanity

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About Us

GFI Aerospace Pvt Ltd is a company of Indian origin. We design, manufacture, and launch the world's most advanced flying vehicles globally. We deliver all our technology to the entire world with transplant education and services.

We have developed different types of multi-copter and fixed-wing flying vehicles in the last few years. We have our own specialized team for further research and development and are continuously developing new drone technology to meet all world-class requirements with transparent knowledge transfer to all the new brains that come into the drone industry with our academic team’s pure effort. Our production team has already produced a unique drone for different roles, on which our highly skilled pilots are already performing their best. Furthermore, our pilots are meeting the needs of our valued clients in a variety of industrial projects.

Our final goal is to provide a world-class flying academy to India and to develop our own space program to beat the entire world under our National Flag.

Aero Services

Our customised data solutions are developed to gather accurate data, visualize insights and bring speed and precision to your engineering work. With selection from a diverse range of UAV platforms, payloads and data analysis system visualization software, we provide accurate solutions specific to all industry.

Defense & Homeland Security

We powerful military grade drones offer surveillance for early detection of threats, tracking of ground assets, disaster management and search & rescue. Our wide range of Drones/UAV, cameras sensors and application to specific software are the perfect solution to all of scenario. Defence and Homeland Security solutions can easily work at all levels of activity, from military to police and private security firms.

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